Table of Contents
Updating a Dictionary
- Use the regex to parse key, value.
- Save the parsed keys, values to real map.
- Compare two maps.
- Use the overloading = operator to compare if two maps have no difference.
- The intersection between current map's keys and previous map's keys is possible the edit one or equal one.
- The difference between current map and intersection mentioned at 3.2 is the new one.
- The difference between previous map and intersection mentioned at 3.2 is the delete one.
- At last, filter the keys that corresponding value of current map and previous map are not the same. That is the edit one.
What I learn
- Use the regex lib at C++ for the first time.
- Practice the C++ 11. E.g., copy_if, lambda.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
regex key_regex("([a-z]+)");
regex value_regex("([0-9]+)");
void parse2Dict(string &line, map<string, string> &dict)
auto key_begin = sregex_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), key_regex);
auto key_end = sregex_iterator();
auto value_begin = sregex_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), value_regex);
auto value_end = sregex_iterator();
for (auto k = key_begin, v = value_begin; k != key_end && v != value_end; ++k, ++v)
dict[k->str()] = v->str();
void output(char op, set<string> &target)
vector<string> target_vec(target.begin(), target.end());
cout << op;
for (auto k : target_vec)
cout << k;
if (k != target_vec.back())
cout << ",";
cout << endl;
void compareDict(map<string, string> &previous, map<string, string> ¤t)
if (previous == current)
printf("No changes\n");
set<string> previous_key;
for (auto iter : previous)
set<string> current_key;
for (auto iter : current)
// *
set<string> possible_star;
set_intersection(current_key.begin(), current_key.end(), previous_key.begin(), previous_key.end(), inserter(possible_star, possible_star.begin()));
// +
set<string> plus;
set_difference(current_key.begin(), current_key.end(), possible_star.begin(), possible_star.end(), inserter(plus, plus.begin()));
if (plus.size())
output('+', plus);
// -
set<string> minus;
set_difference(previous_key.begin(), previous_key.end(), possible_star.begin(), possible_star.end(), inserter(minus, minus.begin()));
if (minus.size())
output('-', minus);
// *
set<string> star;
copy_if(possible_star.begin(), possible_star.end(), inserter(star, star.begin()), [&](string k) { return current[k] != previous[k]; });
if (star.size())
output('*', star);
int main()
int n;
string line;
scanf("%d", &n);
getline(cin, line);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
getline(cin, line);
map<string, string> previous_map;
parse2Dict(line, previous_map);
getline(cin, line);
map<string, string> current_map;
parse2Dict(line, current_map);
compareDict(previous_map, current_map);
cout << endl;
return 0;